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AMAZON - Backoffice job - Engleza avansat + 2nd langauge

Amazon IASI angajeaza Entry level si Seniors Associates pentru departamentele de Compliance si Catalog/RBS (aceste departamente nu au procese de Call Center, sunt departamente de backoffice unde nu aveti legatura directa cu clientul). Inainte de a trimite CV-ul parcurgeti cu atentie tot anuntul. Pentru intrebari si pentru a va exprima dorinta de a va angaja va rugam trimiteti mesaj.

Pentru joburile ENTRY LEVEL experienta nu este necesara:
- se cere Engleza (minim B2) si una din limbile: Spaniola, Portugheza sau Italiana la nivel mediu (macar A2, B1).

Pentru Joburile SENIOR:
- se cere engleza la un nivel bun (minim B2) si una din limbile: Spaniola, Italiana, Franceza sau Germana la nivel mediu (minim A2, B1). Pentru aceste joburi este necesara experienta de 1-2 ani pe o pozitie ce a constat in munca de birou.


Departamentul Catalog RBS

Catalog Associate - Spanish - (Entry Level)
Catalog Associate - Italian (Entry Level)
Catalog Associate - Portuguese (Entry Level)
Senior Catalog Associate - Portuguese
RBS Senior Associate with Spanish (Entry Level)
RBS Senior Associate with Italian
Amazon Vendor Services Consultant with Italian (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)
Team Manager (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)
Automation Expert (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)

Departamentul Compliance

Senior Compliance Associate - Spanish
Senior Compliance Associate - Italian
Sr. C-Ops Associate - QA PA ES
Sr. C-Ops Associate - QA PA IT
Team Manager - Compliance Operations (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)
Trade Compliance Process Expert (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)
Manager - Compliance Operations (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)
Operations Manager (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)
Technical Specialist - Compliance (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)
Operations Manager (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)
Operations Manager - Quality (Necesita experienta pe o pozitie similara)

Joburile Office Based (se poate lucra in unele zile si de acasa dar pe toata durata pandemiei se lucreaza 100% de acasa) - se afla in Iasi, la sediul de la Palas. Daca exista experienta similara, absolvirea unei facultati nu este o conditie obligatorie, altfel este. Pe durata pandemiei COVID-19 toti angajatii amazon pot lucra exclusiv de acasa. Aceste joburi sunt:

momentan angajarile pe limbile franceza si germana sunt oprite dar puteti trimite CVul si va vom contacta atunci cand ele reapar.

Descrierea jobului:
The Product Compliance teams ensure that Amazon transactions satisfy legal and safety requirements. We coordinate the aspects of product transactions that are regulated (distribution, shipping, sale, and import/export). This involves analyzing product import documentation and flagging hazardous risks. We are also responsible for keeping Amazon customers safe and informed by coordinating actions around product safety recalls. These actions include removing recalled/restricted products from the site and from our warehouses, and contacting customers with pertinent safety information.

Candidatul ideal:
Basic Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in any discipline is preferred; business or technical background is considered an advantage;
- 1 – 2 years of work experience or background in data-driven business operations processes is considered an advantage.

- Upper Intermediate written and oral communication skills in both English and Spanish or Italian or French.
- Good working knowledge of MS Office; MS Excel proficiency is an advantage;
- Very good knowledge and experience in internet navigation and research – finding information about large amounts of data in a timely manner.

Prin intermediul acestui anunt puteti beneficia de consultanta cu privire la pozitiile pe care va potriviti conform experientei dumneavoastra si daca agreati principiile companiei Amazon va putem ajuta sa ajungeti in procesul de recrutare prin intermediul unei recomandari.

Cum este mediul de lucru la sediul Amazon de la Palas Iasi:


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