Apartament 3 camere, Iosia-Nord
390 eur
D`Art imob va ofera un apartament tip P cu 3 camere de inchiriat, situat in cartierul Iosia din Oradea.Apartamentul este decomandat, masoara o suprafața utila de 67 mp si este amplasat la etajul 4 al unui bloc cu 4 etaje. Blocul este izolat termic, asadar confortul termic este sporit si costurile la intretinere pe durata iernii reduse. Apartamentul este compartimentat astfel: hol de acces, bucatarie, living, 2 dormitoare, balcon inchis si baie.
Locuinta este spatioasa, dotata cu ferestre cu geam termopan, rolete exterioare, usi de interior din lemn, parchet din lemn masiv in camere, parchet laminat in bucatarie, aer conditionat.
Apartamentul se inchiriaza complet mobilat si utilat cu: frigider, plita electrica, cuptor electric, masina de spalat rufe, TV. Incalzirea se realizeaza prin sistemul de termoficare al orasului.
Imobilul este situat in apropiere de statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, scoli, gradinite, parcuri, Lotus Retail Park, zona centrala.
Dispune de loc de parcare rezervat in fata blocului.
Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 3 camere de inchiriat in Iosia este de 390 euro/luna.
Pentru informatii suplimentare privind aceasta proprietate, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: ascuns – Raluca Legman
e-mail: ascuns b19101218141b35111407011c181a175b071a">[email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D`Art imob offers you a 3-room P-type apartment for rent, located in the Iosia neighborhood of Oradea.
The apartment is detached, measures a usable area of 67 square meters and is located on the 4th floor of a 4-story building. The building is thermally insulated, so thermal comfort is increased and maintenance costs during the winter are reduced. The apartment is divided as follows: entrance hall, kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms, closed balcony and bathroom.
The home is spacious, equipped with double-glazed windows, exterior roller shutters, wooden interior doors, solid wood flooring in the rooms, laminate flooring in the kitchen, air conditioning.
The apartment is rented fully furnished and equipped with: refrigerator, electric hob, electric oven, washing machine, TV. Heating is provided by the city’s district heating system.
The building is located near public transport stations, schools, kindergartens, parks, Lotus Retail Park, the central area.
It has a reserved parking space in front of the building.
The price for this 3-room apartment for rent in Iosia is 390 euros/month.
For additional details, informations and visits, you can contact us at:
No. Tel.: ascuns – Raluca Legman
e-mail: [email protected]
Or at the contact section of our site: www.dartimob.ro
You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.
Anuntul Apartament 3 camere, Iosia-Nord este adaugat de pe HomeZZ.ro.

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