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Apartament 4 camere, Cantemir

Agentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera un apartament cu 4 camere de vanzare in zona Cantemir din orasul Oradea

Apartamentul este amplasat la etajul 7/8, intr-un bloc dotat cu lift nou. Locuinta dispune de o suprafata generoasa de 98 mp, ea este decomandata si se compune din: hol de acces, bucatarie, sufragerie, 3 dormitoare, 2 bai din care una cu cada si geam de aerisire si una de serviciu cu cabina de dus, 2 balcoane deschise.

Apartamentul a fost recent renovat integral, dotat cu ferestre cu geam termopan si jaluzele exterioare, parchet laminat, gresie, faianta, au fost schimbate instalatiile sanitare, instalatia electrica (pe cupru), usile de interior sunt din MDF, usa de la intrare este metalica, de siguranta. Incalzirea se realizeaza prin reteaua de termoficare a orasului.

Acesta se vinde partial mobilat si utilat cu frigider, aragaz si cuptor electric, masina de spalat rufe (toate noi, atat mobilierul cat si electrocasnicele).

In proximitatea imobilului se gasesc multe facilitati, cum ar fi: parcuri, scoli, gradinite, cafenele, Lotus Mall, centrul orasului la 10 minute distanta, mijloace de transport in comun.

Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 4 camere de vanzare in zona Cantemir este de 117500 euro

Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:

Nr. Tel.: ascuns – George Stefanco

e-mail: [email protected]

Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:

De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.


D`Art Imob real estate agency offers you a 4-room apartment for sale in the Cantemir area of Oradea
The apartment is located on the 7th/8th floor, in a building equipped with a new elevator. The house has a generous area of 98 square meters, it is detached and consists of: entrance hall, kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, one with bathtub and ventilation window and one service room with shower cabin, 2 open balconies.

The apartment has recently been fully renovated, equipped with double-glazed windows and external blinds, laminate flooring, tiles, tiles, the sanitary installations, the electrical installation (on copper) have been changed, the interior doors are made of MDF, the entrance door is metal , of safety. Heating is done through the city’s heating network.

It is sold partially furnished and equipped with a refrigerator, stove and electric oven, washing machine (all new, both furniture and appliances).

In the vicinity of the building there are many facilities, such as: parks, schools, kindergartens, cafes, Lotus Mall, the city center 10 minutes away, public transport.

The price for this 4-room apartment for sale in the Cantemir area is 117,500 euros

For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:

No. Tel.: ascuns – George Stefanco

e-mail: [email protected]

Or at the contact section of our website:

You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.
Zona: Cantemir
Număr camere: 4
Suprafața utilă: 98 m²
Compartimentare: Decomandat
Confort: 1
Etaj: 7
An finalizare construcție: 1990
Tip imobil: Bloc de apartamente
Stare proprietate: De renovat
Număr niveluri imobil: 8
Număr Băi: 2
Mobilat/Utilat: Parțial
Clasă energetică: A,    B,    C,    D,    E,    F,    G
Posibilitate parcare: Nu

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