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Birou, Lizeanu

Va propun spre cumparare un imobil P+3E cu o suprafata utila de 720 mp, cu destinatie birouri/rezidential, desfasurata pe un teren de 264 mp, constructie finalizata in 2008. Cladirea functioneaza ca si birouri, are chiriasi stabili si produce un venit lunar bun, cu randament interesant.

Cladirea are structura de beton, zidarie de caramida, iar compartimentarea interioara din pereri de gips carton (oferind flexibilitate in amenajare). Fatada este din cortina de sticla, casa scarilor si holurile si scarile de acces in cladire sunt din granit masiv, birourile sunt mochetate. Imobilul este dotat cu lift panoramic. Iluminatul in intreg imobilul este cu corpuri de iluminat cu led, instalatiile sanitare sunt Grohe si Hansgrohe (Germania). Geamurile sunt din aluminiu cu bariera termica. Accesul in cladire se face cu cartela, imobilul este dotat cu interfon si este monitorizat video.

Fiecare nivel are 170 mpu, 2 grupuri sanitare, balcon (la etajele 1-3 sau terasa la parter) si o bucatarie. Climatizarea se face cu ventiloconvectoare, apartamentele au tablou propriu de curent si contor de energie electrica, rac pentru conectarea la retea de calculatoare.

Imobilul se afla la 3 minute de statia de tramvai si la 9 minute de mers pe jos de statia de metrou Obor.
Exista posibilitate de parcare in fata imobilului.
Pretul este purtator de tva, se poate achizitiona imobilul sau prelua compania care il detine.

Va astept la vizionare!


TO BUY: P+3E building with a usable area of 720 sqm, intended for offices/residential, developed on a plot of 264 sqm, construction completed in 2008. The building functions as offices, has stable tenants and produces a good monthly income , with interesting yield.

The building has a concrete structure, brick masonry, and the interior partitioning is made of plasterboard walls (offering flexibility in the arrangement). The facade is made of glass curtain, the stairwell and the hallways and access stairs in the building are made of solid granite, the offices are carpeted. The building is equipped with a panoramic elevator. The lighting throughout the building is with LED lighting fixtures, the sanitary installations are Grohe and Hansgrohe (Germany). The windows are made of aluminum with a thermal barrier. Access to the building is by card, the building is equipped with an intercom and is monitored by video.

Each level has 170 mpu, 2 bathrooms, balcony (on floors 1-3 or terrace on the ground floor) and a kitchen. The air conditioning is done with fan coil units, the apartments have their own electricity panel and electricity meter, rack for connecting to the computer network.

The building is located 3 minutes from the tram station and 9 minutes on foot from the Obor metro station.
There is a possibility of parking in front of the building.
The price is subject to VAT, the building can be purchased or the company that owns it can take over.

I look forward to seeing you!
Zona: Lizeanu
Suprafața utilă: 720 m²
Suprafaţă totală: 860 m²
An finalizare construcție: 2008
Tip imobil: Clădire de birouri
Stadiu construcţie: Finalizat
Număr Grupuri Sanitare: 8
Posibilitate parcare: Nu
Nu include TVA:
: Nu include TVA

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