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Server Dell PowerEdge 750-850-860-2900-6850-R300

Serverele sunt aduse din Suedia! Nici un server nu are HDD!!!!! Accept unele schimburi!

1.Dell PowerEdge 2950 Server ,Dual Core 3.00 GHz, 4GB RAM, 2 source power
750W, 4 front HDD ports, No HDD - No Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy

2.Dell PowerEdge 2900 Server ,Quad Core 2.33 GHz, 8GB RAM, 1 power × 930, 8
front HDD ports,No HDD - No Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy drive

3.Dell PowerEdge 6850 Server ,Quad Core 3.66 GHz, 32 GB RAM, 2 source power
1470 W, 5 front HDD ports, No HDD - No Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy

4.Dell PowerEdge R300 Server ,Quad Core 2.50 GHz, 8GB RAM, No HDD - No
Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy drive

5.Dell PowerEdge 860 Server ,Dual Core 1.86 GHz, 4 GB RAM,No HDD - No
Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy drive

6.*Dell PowerEdge 850 Server ,Dual Core 3.00 GHz, 4 GB RAM,No HDD - No
Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy drive

7.*Dell PowerEdge 850 Server ,Dual Core 3.00 GHz, 512 GB RAM,No HDD - No
Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy drive

8.Dell PowerEdge 750 Server ,Intel P4 2.8 GHz, 4GB RAM,No HDD - No Operating
System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy drive

9.Dell PowerEdge 750 Server ,Intel P4 3.40 GHz, 3 GB RAM,No HDD - No Operating
System,CD-R drive

10.Dell PowerEdge 750 Server ,Intel P4 3.40 GHz, 4 GB RAM,No HDD - No
Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy drive

11.Dell PowerEdge 750 Server ,Intel P4 3.40 GHz, 2 GB RAM,No HDD - No
Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy drive

12.Dell PowerEdge 750 Server ,Intel P4 3.40 GHz, 3 GB RAM,No HDD - No
Operating System,CD-R drive,1.44 floppy drive

13.HP hstns 3160 PROLIANT DL320 (G5) HSTNS generation 5p, Dual Core 2.66 GHz,
1GB RAM, No HDD - No Operating

Calculatoare captown:

Dell Poweredge 1800 Server config- video 16 gb, 2.8ghz or up cpu,2 gb ram,
HDD 200 GB+ 5 Hdd ports, 2 Hot Power 675w
power supply, cd- rom,3-36gb scsi hard drive with adaptech raid controller
card. Raid ready. Front bezel with included with key
Perfect for home and industrial using

2.Dell Poweredge 1800 Server config- video 16 gb, 3.00 Ghz or up cpu,2 gb ram,
HDD 200 GB+ 5 Hdd ports, 2 Hot power 675w
power supply, cd- rom,3-36gb scsi hard drive with adaptech raid controller
card. Raid ready. Front bezel with included

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