Filme pe blu ray disc
300 RON
pentru detalii SUNATI LA : zero sapte patru trei patru cinci patru noua opt unu.filme blu ray, impecabile, fara zgarieturi. 30 lei bucata. In tara livrez de la 3 bucati in sus . Oferta pentru 20 de bucati 500 lei.
1. terminator genesys (sub. romana)
2. Avengers assemble (sub. engleza).
3.Suicide squad- extended cut ( engleza)
4. A.I. Artificial inteligence (engleza)
5. passengers (romana)
6. pirates of the carribbean -the curse of the black pearl (engleza)
7. pirates of the carribbean -on stranger tides (engleza)
8. guardians of the galaxy vol. 1 (enleza)
9. ice age-dawn of the dinosaurs 3D (romana)
10.pirates of the carribean dead s man chest. (engleza)
11. alice in wonderland (engleza)
12. clash of the titans (romana)
13. the 5 wave (romana)
14. fast and furious 4 (engleza)
15. Paper towns (romana)
16. pirates of carribean at world s end.
17. inception.
18. star wars- the last jedi
19. star wars -the force awakens
20. transformers -dark of the moon
21. jurassic world 3D. 2015
22. jurassic world -fallen kingdom
24. 2012
25. ant man
26. rise of the planet of the apes of steel 2d-3d, 2013
28. noah
29. the wolf of wall street
30. sherlock holmes 2009
31. les miserables 2012
32.the dark knight 2008
33. the dark knight rises
34.jumanji welcome to the jungle
35. 47 ronin
36. white house down
37. runner runner
38. 3 days to kill
39.die hard 4.0
40. inglorious basterds
41 .jason bourne
42. the cold light of the day.
43. brides maids.
44. 21 jump street / 22 jump street (2 filme)
45.a little bit of heaven.
46.kingsman the secret service
47. bad grandpa
48. the karate kid 2010
49. mrs brown's boys
50. epic 3D
51. elizabeth the virgin queen 1998
52. endless love 2014
53.rush 2013
54. the maze runner 2014
55. sherlock series two 2010.
56. mrs. brown's boys d'movie 2014
57. sucker punch.
58. paul 2011
59.king's speech 2010
60. elysium 2013
61. avengers age of ultron 2015
62. the expendables 2- 2012
63.non stop 2014
64. hobbit -an unexpected journey
65. hobbit- the desolation of smaug
66.the hurt locker 2008
67. bullet to the head 2012
68. the mercenary-2010
69. a simple favour 2018
70. fantastic beasts and where to find them
71 .clubbed 2008
72. olympus has fallen 2013
73. law abiding citizen 2009
74. ultimate avengers 2006
75.goon 2011
76. green zone 2010
77. the guest 2014
78. boss baby 2017
79. toy story 3- 2010 editie pe 3 discuri
80. ted -2012
81. downtown abbey- 2010
82. the other guys- 2010
83. get him to the greek -2010
84. jurassic park 1993
85. snow white and the hunsman-2012
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