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Padure Transfagarasan TV024 10 ha

Agentia imobiliara D'Art Imob va propune o investitie deosebita Padure Transfagarasan lac Vidraru, oportunitate extraordinara in domeniul turismului, pentru Romania!

Traseul Transfagarasan este unul dintre cele mai frumoase si mai cunoscute in Romania, dar si in intreaga lume. Peisajul sublim si experienta de a parcurge acest traseu raman, de fiecare data, o amintire de neuitat. Lacul Vidraru, este una dintre atractiile principale din aceasta zona, fiind unul din locurile ideale pentru dezvoltarea unei afaceri in turism.

Va propunem o oportunitate unica, o suprafata mare de padure de fag, de 10 hectare (comasat), pe malul lacului Vidraru, in vecinatatea debarcaderului! Datorita pozitionarii extraordinare, accesul este direct de pe minunatul traseu Transfagarasan, cu un front de 600 metri liniari.

Terenul ce reprezinta o investitie deosebita padure Transfagarasan lac Vidraru, are accces direct la reteaua de curent. Padurea se afla in zona turistica, in apropierea hotelului Valea cu Pesti si la doar 49 km de Balea Lac.

Investitia are un potential urias, fiind una dintre cele mai atractive zone turistice din Romania. Se preteaza in principal ca investitie in turism, oferind deopotriva linistea si racoarea unei paduri, dar si accesul la minunatul Lac Vidraru. Totodata, conform legislatiei in vigoare, padurea poate fi valorificata si prin afaceri cu lemn, existand posibilitatea de a utiliza anual 5% din potentialul existent.

Desi valoarea proprietatii este inestimabila, pretul de vanzare se ridica la doar 990.000 euro. De asemenea, pentru investitorii cu adevarat interesati, proprietarul este dispus sa negocieze aceasta oferta.

Pentru detalii suplimentare si informatii nu ezitati sa ne contactati!

Nr. Tel.: ascuns – Agentia imobiliara D'Art Imob


Real estate agency D'Art Imob proposes a special investment, forest on Transfagarasan, Lake Vidraru, an extraordinary opportunity for tourism in Romania!

The Transfagarasan route is one of the most beautiful and well known in Romania, but also around the world. The sublime landscape and the experience of travelling on this route remains an unforgettable memory, every time. Lake Vidraru is one of the main attractions in this area, being one of the ideal places for developing a tourism business.

We offer you a unique opportunity, a large beech trees forest area of ​​10 hectares (merged), on the shores of Lake Vidraru, near the wharf! Thanks to its extraordinary location, the access is directly from the wonderful Transfagarasan route with a 600-meter front.

The land that represents a special investment, a forest on Transfagarasan, Lake Vidraru, has direct access to electricity. The forest lies in the tourist area, near the "Valea cu Pesti" Hotel and just 49 km away from Lake Balea.

The investment has a huge potential, being one of the most attractive tourist areas in Romania. Mainly, it can be exploited as an investment in tourism, offering both the peace and cool of a forest, but also the access to the wonderful Lake Vidraru. At the same time, according to the current legislation, the forest can also be valued for wood business, offering the possibility to use 5% of the existing potential, annually.

Although the property is invaluable, the price is only 990,000 euros. Also, for investors who are really interested, the owner is willing to negotiate this offer.

For more details and information do not hesitate to contact us at:

Tel .: ascuns Real Estate Agency D'Art Imob
Zona: Nord
Tip teren: Pădure
Clasificare teren: Extravilan
Suprafață teren (m²): 99999

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