Vegetable farm/agricultural business |100% functional|equipm
15.500.000 EUR
100% working farm, for profit, eligible for EU funds.
Agricultural holding with 1600 ha of cultivated land, of which 300 ha are owned and 1300 ha are leased.
The degree of fusion is about 90%, located in the south of Romania in the irrigated area.
All the necessary equipment, the logistic base with dedicated rooms, and all the staff required.
Own irrigation system on 1000 ha.
New silo 10,000 m3.
Investment with amortization in 5-6 years.
It uses an area of about 1700 ha with a degree of
Fusion of about 90%
• It is divided into two work areas
• Zone A - handles an area of approximately 300 hectares
• Zone B - processed an area of approximately 1400 ha
• From you :
• storage rooms (receipt base, automated silo,
analysis laboratory, raw material storage)
• The full range of equipment specific to the activity
• A dedicated irrigation system that allows simultaneous irrigation
of 991 ha
• Committed and loyal employees.
country in the southern plain
• It benefits from favorable temperatures for Culture II
• Farm on DN
• 7 km from the city
• Land at a maximum distance of 5 km from the base of the farm
• Railway at the property line.
We're looking forward to meeting you!
Agent Ionut.P
*The agency charges a commission of 3% of the final price*
Id intern: P48718
Comision cumpărător: 3%
Anuntul Vegetable farm/agricultural business |100% functional|equipm este adaugat de pe
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