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Inchiriere 4 camere Mosilor

Inchiriere 3 camere Mosilor, complet mobilat, situat la primul etaj intr-un bloc linistit si, mai ales, curat. Blocul este reabilitat termic. Apartamentul are patru camere si ofera vedere atat spre bulevardul principal (desi este retras fata de acesta), cat si spre curtea interioara. Este prevazut cu spatii de depozitare, dar si cu un loc special pentru luat masa si o bucatarie ergonomica. Cele doua bai sunt dotate cu cabina de dus, respectiv cada. Apartamentul beneficiaza de toate utilitatile si este disponibil imediat. Zona este in apropierea multor magazine si a mijloacelor de transport (troleibuz, tramvai, metrou).

Englesh: For Rent 3 rooms Mosilor, fully furnished, located on the first floor in a quiet and especially clean building. The block is thermally rehabilitated. The apartment has four rooms and offers a view to the main boulevard (although it is withdrawn from it) and to the inner courtyard. It has storage facilities, but also a dining area and an ergonomic kitchen. The two bathrooms are equipped with a shower cabin and bathtub respectively. The apartment benefits from all utilities and is available immediately. The area is close to many shops and means of transport (trolley, tram, subway).
Suprafata utila: 92,0 m2
Numar camere: 4
Etaj: etaj 1
Compartimentare: semidecomandat
Confort: 1
Anul constructiei: 1986
Numar nivele: 8
Numar balcoane: 1

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